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Fitness Tips

Don't know where to start or what to do?  Here are some basic tips to get you started. This is about building a healthy and fulfilling new lifestyle and it takes time.  Never give up or get discouraged! If you have a bad day, tomorrow is a brand new day to begin again.

Fitting exercise into your busy schedule.  We are all so busy.  You CAN fit in exercise.  You have to make it a priority. You wouldn't want to not brush your teeth every day, right? Well the same goes for exericise.  You CAN make the time.  Pick a time, place and activity and stick to it. Do things you like. Break up your workouts into smaller sessions. If you have to do 5 - 10 minute sessions a day, that's great! That works too. Sign up for a fitness class and stick to it.  Pick something you like, zumba, yoga, boxing, or give a new one a try. Take the stairs, hell, run up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Take a walk over your lunch.  Fit it in there however you can! ​

Water, okay, you hear  this one every day, but drinking water is essential!  By the time you actually feel thirsty, you are already partially dehydrated.  Start replacing your other drinks with water.  Pop is a total waste and has no nutritional value whatsoever.  Fruit juices, while 100% fruit juices are way better than the sugary drinks, whole fruits are still the way to go, plus they add fiber to your diet, which is also essential.  Start making every drink water!  Add some lemon, lime, stawberries, whatever you like! 

Core strength.  I bet you hear that one a lot too! Why is it so important? While cardio exercise is essential to your health, so is muscular strength.  Your "core" muscles are not just your "abs", your core is your whole trunk, from your booty to the top of your abdominal muscles. It is important to keep your core strong for balance and stability. Also having a strong core reduces back aches and just makes everyday activities easier.  A great core builder exercise is the plank, which I have included a Bob Harper you tube video on how to do a proper plank. ​

Start building healthy habits for yourself and your family.  Be a role model, especially for your children.  Be active with them. Instead of going out for dinner, pack a healthy picnic and go to your local park or forest preserve or just have a picnic in your basement!  Try different fruits and vegetables and encourage your children to give them a try as well. Make being active a big part of your family.  ​

Building healthy eating habits.  We all know what we should eat, lots of "whole" foods.  Whole foods contain more vitamins, minerals and fiber. Fit in as many fruits and vegetables as you can every day. Try them steamed or un cooked.  You will be surprised how many vegetables taste great in their natural state!  Add as many vegetables and fruit into all your meals. Throw in some extra vegetables into a favorite recipe, add some fruit into your breakfast or for dessert.  Cut back on processed foods.  Try making favorites yourself, not from a box!  Use all whole grains:  whole grain breads, rolls, whole grain brown rice and pastas.  They have come a long way and taste great!


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